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Take advantage of this beautiful weather and practice your swing at @musqueamgolf! We've been loving this beautiful weather and we're excited to announce Happy Thyme cafe's extended hours. Come relax at the patio in between your swings. Book your tee time here: #musqueam #musqueamland #indigenous #indigenouspride...

The Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art recently launched their newest exhibit: "Hands of Knowledge". This collaborative exhibition features the work of 6 contemporary Indigenous women artists to celebrate their traditional knowledge. Learn more and get your tickets here: Photo credits: Bill Reid Gallery...

Developed in collaboration by Musqueam and the Museum of Anthropology, this interactive teaching kit is an amazing resource. It features: - Language, showcasing the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ alphabet - Stories, which provides access to a collection of digital storybooks, written for the purpose of language learning - Historic Timeline, focusing...