Thank you to @fotoeins for sharing facts about our culture, language and history

Thank you to @fotoeins for sharing facts about our culture, language and history. Please check out his page for more.
Repost from @fotoeins:
“Civilization, before colonization.
On 18 June 2018, the City of Vancouver changed the name of the front/north plaza at Queen Elizabeth Theatre:
šxʷƛ̓exən : “place where people are invited”, in the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language of the Musqueam people.
Xwtl’a7shn : “place where people are invited to celebrate”, in the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh language of the Squamish people.
The correct pronunciation can be found on YouTube. June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada.
Vancouver, 🇨🇦 – 8 Jun 2021: HL x70 img 27973.”